Mediation: A Unique Urban Detached House

Connecting Nature and Society

This is an endeavor on an urban detached house located on a segmented lot of a residential area.

Shun Horiike, the renowned designer, aimed to build a detached house that reflects the characteristics of the land and the attributes of the owner. By carefully incorporating only general methods without any complicated procedures, Horiike successfully created a dwelling that takes into account the market demand for economic rationality.

To make the most of the natural benefits, such as the scenery of the park located at the front of the site, daylight and ventilation, and the social contact that represents a connection with the neighborhood, Horiike installed a large opening in the form of a three-story window that faces the park. This facility serves as a mediator, bestowing the natural benefits and contact with society to the house.

The living, dining, and kitchen (LDK) area is located on the second floor, where the second story of the window is situated. Taking advantage of the high ceiling of the LDK area, Horiike creates a feeling of comfort by providing a seemingly wider space within the compact house. Additionally, a balcony is built on the third floor to serve as an opening for air coming from the large opening on the park side, maintaining the indoor thermal environment and air quality.

To enhance the connection between the house and its surroundings, the entire four sides of the outer walls are made of solid Japanese cedar. The lightweight exterior wall forms a delicate vertical lattice, reducing the weight of the three-story building on the park side. The grainy Japanese cedar boards blend seamlessly with the natural ambiance of the park, creating a harmonious integration of the house with its environment.

This unique urban detached house, designed by Shun Horiike, not only provides a comfortable living space but also establishes a strong connection with nature and society. The large opening facing the park acts as a mediator, bringing the lush external space inside the house and bestowing the natural benefits and contact with society to the residents.

The project started in October 2017 and was completed in January 2019 in Kosugijinya-cho, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.

This design was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2020, recognizing its well-designed, practical, and innovative characteristics that meet professional and industrial requirements.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Shun Horiike
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Masao Nishikawa, House in Kosugijinya-cho, 2019 Image #2: Photographer Masao Nishikawa, House in Kosugijinya-cho, 2019 Image #3: Photographer Masao Nishikawa, House in Kosugijinya-cho, 2019 Image #4: Photographer Masao Nishikawa, House in Kosugijinya-cho, 2019 Image #5: Photographer Masao Nishikawa, House in Kosugijinya-cho, 2019
Project Team Members: Shun Horiike
Project Name: Mediation
Project Client: Shun Horiike

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Mediation IMG #5

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